
Stone’s War – finally?

April 11, 2011

Regular readers know how much I’ve lamented Finland’s poor track record when it comes to zombie films. Quite frankly there are none to speak of. There was one, called Stone’s War (or War of the Dead) which seemed promising. It featured a frontline Finnish cast with some talented young actors, as well as WW2 zombies, which may or may not be of the nazi variety. This was in 2009. Time went by, and the occasional piece of news drifted in. News of production difficulties, financers backing away from the project and so on. The film seemed forever lost in that dreadful, dreadful place – post-production hell.

It seems the movie might be coming out after all. This from 24Framespersecond.net:

After five long years of production and legal problems, the word is that Marko Mäkilaakso’s World War II action/zombie flick, now once again known as War of the Dead – formerly ‘Stone’s War,’ and formerly before that (stay with us here) know as ‘War of the Dead’ – has finished post production, and will be looking for a release this year. Better late than never eh.

Synopsis: Captain Martin Stone is leading a finely-trained, elite platoon of American and Finnish soldiers as they attack an enemy bunker. Underestimating their enemy’s strength, they are quickly beaten back into the forest. As they try to regroup, they are suddenly attacked by the same soldiers they had just killed a few minutes earlier. Forced to flee deeper into Russian territory, they discover one of war’s most terrifying secrets and realize they have woken up a far more deadly enemy.

Now, I dont’ care if the movie turns out to be rubbish and the plot is silly. For an actual zombie movie to be made here, in Europe’s trendiest backwater, is joy enough in itself. There’s a trailer below, although I suggest you turn off the sounds – someone’s been clever enough to add the music from Requiem for a dream, which you must’ve heard about six million times in trailers already. I know I’m pretty sick of it.

Here’s to hoping that the movie finally happens.

Update May 29th 2011 – DotL reader Tony reports the following:

The director Marko Mäkilaakso has confirmed in Facebook that the movie is now completed and ready to be delivered to all distributors. Release dates for each territory is yet still unconfirmed.

Thank for the heads up, Tony!


  1. Finally! I really hope that we will finally be able to see this movie. I too have waited it for so long.


  2. I’d watch it just for the WW2 element.


    • That’s a good point Fran. I wonder why most zombie movies are either near future or contemporary settings. Medieval zombies? Zombie westerns (ok, there are a few)? Far future zombies? Maybe it’s just too much of a niche market.


      • The director Marko Mäkilaakso has confirmed in Facebook that the movie is now completed and ready to be delivered to all distributors. Release dates for each territory is yet still unconfirmed.


        • Thanks Tony, that’s great news!


  3. Stone’s War? Sheesh, I remember reading about this YEARS ago! I presumed it had just died a death. Glad to hear it’s actually looking likely to get a release!


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