Posts Tagged ‘IKEA’


Bless those Swedes #3

July 21, 2015

I’ve noted in previous posts that IKEA is often a very nice place for a wargamer to visit, so here’s my third instalment of Bless those Swedes (see here and here for the previous ones).

Recently the photo quality on the blog has deteriorated, mainly due to me not focusing that much on lighting. As I like quality photography as much as the next person, I wanted to do something about this, and the solution was quite simple. I just bought one of these TJENA boxes:


Photo © IKEA

Combined it with a set of these DIODER led strips:


Photo © IKEA

And ended up with this (with an added A4 sheet):

Click for a larger version

Click for a larger version

Now as you can see, the light is fairly yellow in tone, and the brightness isn’t the best possible – which was a bit of a letdown. However, this was easily remedied by using my desktop lamp with a daylight bulb:

Click for a larger version

Click for a larger version

As a result I can shoot fairly nice pictures using my old pocket camera, spending very little time on colour correction and achieving lovely, even lighting. The shade at the lower edge was caused by the camera itself due to poor positioning.

Click for a larger version

Click for a larger version

The wires are neatly hidden behind the separate bottom plate of the box, and there’s a convenient hole in the back for the power cord. All in all this cost me 25 euros, which isn’t a bad price. If you’re looking for a lightbox on the cheap, this might be a way to go. Of course if you can pick up brighter, whiter led lights, all the better! While the difference in photo quality may not appear to be huge, the amount of time saved in post processing is very significant – a lot of my photos have needed a lot of tweaking in Photoshop to make them presentable.

There you go, a lightbox on the cheap which took all of 15 minutes or so to make. Good enough for me!


Bless those Swedes #2

November 25, 2013

IKEA has some useful stuff for the modeller. Apart from the obvious, such as boxes, shelves and display cases (mine being a prime example), there are some useful items that are not immediately apparent. My latest trip to the Swedish house of wonders furnished me with some cork hot pads named HEAT as well as two colours (black and grey) of decorative sand under the name KULÖRT.


The sand will be used for basing, as it’s quite fine. There was a larger, coarser variety on sale as well. The hot pads are currently being turned into rock formations following the instructions in this thread on TMP. Below is a WIP picture as well as some finished ones.

Click for a larger version

Click for a larger version

Click for a larger version

Click for a larger version

The rock formations turned out quite nice and they’re very easy to make. I’m looking to build a fair few for the next Utopia game, so I now have a pretty large stack of the IKEA hot pads waiting to be destroyed. So much fun!



Bless those Swedes

August 11, 2013

Oh my, over a month since my last post. That’s what the combination of summer holidays and Mass Effect 12, and 3 will do to you.

While I haven’t done any painting or other miniatures-related stuff lately, I did build my pretties a new house, so to speak. My old glass case was getting more than a little cramped, so I visited IKEA – just one of Sweden’s many gifts to the world. 150 Euros and maybe 5 hours later I had this:

IKEA goodness - click for a larger version

IKEA goodness – click for a larger version

It has plenty of shelf space for both minis and rulebooks, and the glass doors – while an absolute pain to align – will keep dust out. The small LED lights installed in each compartment make it look pretty fancy, too! I’m going to add a few drawers to the two bottom compartments, but haven’t gotten round to building them yet. I love the spaciousness of it all: the picture shows the case with 150 miniatures or so, and they’re very loosely placed with one of the four compartments practically empty.

With the blog coughing and spluttering itself to life again, expect to see a fair bit more activity than in the last few months. I have at least three review additions in the pipeline, plus I’m slowly getting started on painting the next minis for Utopia. Dear readers, it’s good to be back.