Posts Tagged ‘Studio Miniatures’


From the painting desk #9

January 5, 2011

I’ve really gotten the new year started with a bang when it comes to painting. I’m churning out painted stuff at the rate of a mini or two per day, which is approximately 300 times my normal rate. I’m especially happy about the fact that I’m getting back to my old projects, resurrecting them (especially the zombies, ba-dum-tchhh) and finally getting miniatures I’ve bought years ago painted.

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It’s another one of Mark Copplestone’s wonderful Predators, available from Copplestone Castings. A sweet mini and paints up nicely as Mr. Copplestone’s sculpts tend to. For more info, check out my Predator review.

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I  bought my Studio Miniatures zombies ages ago, and have only now gotten into painting them. They’re really very, very nice minis with a lot of character and it’s an easy job making them look fine on the tabletop.

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The world is often a dangerous place for little choirboys, and the zombie apocalypse makes it no different. This unfortunate victim is from Recreational Conflict. Zombie children, gotta love ’em!